

銉荤幆淇濊妭鑳藉瀷鎴愬姒ㄦ补璁惧鐢辨彁鍗囨満銆佹竻鐞嗙瓫銆佽嚜鍔ㄦ帶娓╄浆绛掔儤鐐掓満锛堟湁鐢靛姞鐑瀷銆佺噧鐓ゅ瀷鎴栫噧 娌瑰瀷鐢辩敤鎴烽�夋嫨锛夈�佸畾閲忓杺鏂欐満銆佽灪鏃嬫Θ娌规満銆佹护娌规満銆佺偧娌归攨銆佹补娉点�佺數鎺ф煖绛夌粍鎴愪竴鏉″悎鐞嗙殑娴佹按绾匡紝鍙鎶曞叆鍘熸枡锛屽嵆鍒诲彲姒ㄥ嚭浼樿川鐨勬补鑴傚拰鐞嗘兂鐨勯ゼ鏂欙紝鍏锋湁鎶�鏈厛杩涖�侀�犲瀷缇庤銆佹搷浣滅淮淇柟渚裤�佷骇閲忓ぇ銆佸嚭娌圭巼楂樸�佺數鑰椾綆銆佷笉闇�瑕佺敤钂告苯閿呯倝绛変紭鐐广��





Product introduction 锛�

Complete milling equipment with functions of environmental protection and energy conservation is composed of elevator, cleaning sieve, automatic temperature control drum baking machine (electric heating type, coal fired type or fuel type are available for selection of the user), dosing feeding machine, screw milling machine, oil filter, oil refining kettle, oil pump and electric control cabinet to form a reasonable flow line. Only the materials are put, the high quality grease and ideal cake material can be milled. The equipment has the advantages such as advanced technology, beautiful appearance, convenient operation and maintenance, large output, high oil yielding rate, low electricity consumption and without steam boiler.

This set of equipment can be used to extract many kinds of oil seed materials, such as production of superfine fragrant rapeseed oil, peanut oil, fragrant sesame oil, sunflower oil, teal oil and Ricinus communis seed oil. As the ideal complete milling equipment, this set of equipment is in leading level domestically, which applies to the medium and small grain & oil processing factory, grain supply center, grain depot and special businessmen for grain &oil processing. When the user doesn鈥檛 extract the oil, the baking machine can be used to dry or bake the oil materials and foods.

This set of equipment hasn鈥檛 pollution to materials or environment, providing the guarantee for production of green foods.

Baking machine in this set of equipment belongs to national patented product (patent No.: ZL200420065139.6), whose baking temperature, baking time and materials flow are controlled accurately to ensure the temperature, water content and quality of materials after baking to meet the process requirements of milling and food processing.

Daily output of this set of equipment (raw material) includes 35T, 8T, 10T, 15T, 20T, 25T and 30T, 100T for the maximum daily output.


榫欏皯杈�  18907248981

闄堣儨鍏�  18995821569

閽辨眽骞�  18995821569

榫欐椽  18934681135






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漏鐗堟潈鎵�鏈� 澶囨鍙凤細閯侷CP澶�06001464鍙� 鍜稿畞甯傜闅嗙伯娌归鍝佹満姊拌偂浠芥湁闄愬叕鍙� 鑱旂郴浜猴細18907248981锛堥緳鎬伙級18995821569锛堥檲鎬伙級 18995821579锛堥挶鎬伙級